....Feedback from a workshop at Tavistock Centre, London

Dawn Thibert;"– Well the workshop went really well. The method showed itself to be very adaptable. Everybody felt very affected by what happened and some became quite emotional. The tutor (John Launer) was ‘blown away’, which means that he was very impressed and thought that the whole year group should be shown this technique. Since then colleagues have tried the technique in their workplace with positive results, and so the ripples go on and on."
PS: They all enjoyed being patted down!!!!

Feedback from participant after workshop in Life staging (Swedish and English)

Nu har jag äntligen provat!
"Det blev en nästan ”halleluja”-stämning (missförstå mig rätt). De som ställde upp var helt chockade över hur gruppen fångade dilemmat och personernas sätt.
Jag hade ju gruvat mig för att ge instruktionerna, men som du handlededde mig till, tänka att jag gör det på mitt sätt och det kommer att ge/öppna upp för något. Vilket verkligen stämde. Så återigen tack för både utbildningen men också handledningen. Den var stärkande på personligt nivå också". (2017)

Now I have finally tried!
"It became an almost a "hallelujah mood” (misunderstand me right). Those who did the staging were completely shocked at how the group caught dilemmas and the ways the people were acting. I had been worried on how to give the instructions, but as you taught me, think I'll do it in my way and it will give/ open up something. Which really sued. So again thanks for both the education but also the supervision. It was strengthening at personal level too. "(2017)