Life Staging® challenge the already taken-for granted ideas and truths and trust on “knowledge-in-the-making” and, at the same time, provides a co-creative and teambuilding activity.
Life Staging® is not only a format, but also a philosophy that offers an alternative way of thinking about self, others, information and the overall professional performance. It’s about narratives from the mind and body - a way of rich story development.
Life Staging® has developed through my professional experience and my narrative research and practice. Inspiration also comes from philosophy, psychodrama, family constellations (Hellinger), systemic ideas and artwork.
I have more than forty years of experience as a clinician, supervisor and educator working with therapy and professional development in my own company. Influenced by systemic and narrative ideas and expressive art formats I have developed a philosophy and a supervision/group work model i call Life Staging®. In the mid nineties I did narrative research around "change” in psychosocial work. Beside my ordinary work I also cooperated with a massai women’s project in Tanzania in 2011. I’m currently writing on professional books and present Life Staging® and other creative formats and ideas on workshops nationally and internationally.
My ordinary work consists of supervision/counseling and coaching of professionals in the fields of psychosocial work and health care together with education and organizational work in the same area. I also give consultations and therapy to individuals, couples and families/networks. I’m a certified Psychologist and a certified Psychotherapist in Family Therapy, Couples and Individual therapy. I have a diploma in Advanced Family Therapy (IFT London) and am an authorized Supervisor, Faculty member of AGPA (American Group Therapy Association) and a Board member of the Swedish Supervisor Organization:
After many years of experience as a supervisor I found myself less vitalized by hearing endless verbal descriptions, explanations and understandings of families and phenomena. I felt an urge to develop a format that could provide more vitality and movement, unexpected reflections and insights, more of co-creation and emotional focus. Influenced by narrative and social constructionist ideas, narrative research and expressive formats I found words and ways to do so. The format has developed during the last twenty to twenty five years and started off as "supervision in the dark", influenced by concepts as the not-knowing- position together with an insight in how professionals engage in the co-production of inscribing families and phenomena into "thin stories". From art, psychodrama and family constellations I got metaphors, a language and ways to highlight the presence of non-verbal information, emotions and personal expressions in the supervision group. The format takes us away from dominant knowing, seeing and hearing and invites professionals to listen and act on multiple voices/perspectives and look beyond dominant prejudices. The format has an overall philosophy that I am writing a book on supervision. A link to a swedish text on Life Staging® follows here:
Lifestaging svenska.pdf 128 KB
A link to an english text click here